Co-UDlabs at ICUD 2024: activites, sessions, and a new Working Group

Co-UDlabs will be at the 2024 International Conference on Urban Drainage (Delft, the Netherlands, June 9-14, 2024) with an intense programme of project activities and various presentations and posters from our research staff!

Launch session of JCUD’s UDRAIN Working Group

Last month, the new Working Group on Large Research Infrastructure in Urban Drainage (UDRAIN) was formally accepted and established within JCUD! Co-UDlabs has been supporting all stages of the group’s set up. UDRAIN will work to improve available large-infrastructure research services, expand the range of possible uses (and users), and support innovative research and improved cooperation in collaboration with other well-established JCUD Working Groups. See more in this document.

Co-UDlabs will be presenting the Working Group, its priorities, and an open discussion on its next steps and future at ICUD, in a launch session on Monday, June 10, 2024, at 17:30 CEST — within the slot that ICUD has devoted to working group meetings.

Anyone interested in joining the group can do so via this very simple form. Those who could not join ICUD or this session, can also participate remotely on Teams at this link. Don’t hesitate to share this news and the link to the survey with any partners, associates, or contacts of yours that you think could be interested in joining our group!

Co-UDlabs’ Special Session on Transnational Accesses

Co-UDlabs will also host a Special Session on its Transnational Access programme, one of our project’s key contributions to large-infrastructure research on urban drainage — in Europe and around the world. The session, which will be held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 14:30 CEST (agenda available here), wants to introduce a larger public and the ICUD community to Co-UDlabs’ work on the establishment of an open, communicating, and sharing network of academics, experts, technicians, practitioners, and other relevant stakeholders in the field of urban drainage and water management. Co-UDlabs has done so via three global calls for Transnational Access ideas and projects. In the last three years, we have granted free access to our 17 facilities for over 220 users from more than 120 institutions from 43 different countries from all over the world.

This session will be an opportunity to review the TA framework, know about the insights and early results of TA projects, and learn about both the academic aspects of participating in such frameworks and the human and daily side of this ambitious programme of mutual exchange and growth. A few final interventions will also introduce the main achievements and outcomes of the Joint Research Activities performed within Co-UDlabs and key feedback from the project’s extensive training and dissemination activities. 

Co-UDlabs partners and staff at ICUD: where to find us

Co-UDlabs will take part in several sessions at ICUD. You can find a useful summary in this PDF. We look forward to your participation in ICUD and we hope to see you around our presentations and poster exhibitions! Co-UDlabs will also have a booth in the exhibition area at ICUD. Please join us to know more about our project, discuss priorities and the next big steps in Urban Drainage, and learn how to collaborate with our network and make the most of any opportunity to work with our research infrastructure!