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5th Co-UDlabs Newsletter – June 2024!

The fifth issue of our newsletter has been released on June 18, 2024. Among the main highlights: results of the 2nd and 3rd Transnational Access...

4th Co-UDlabs Newsletter – December 2023

Our 4th newsletter has been released today, December 18, 2023! Among the main highlights: launch of the 3rd Transnational Access call and announcement of the...

3rd Co-UDlabs Newsletter – March 2023!

The third issue of our newsletter has been released on March 9, 2023. Among the main highlights: information on the first Transnational Access projects, a...

2nd Co-UDlabs Newsletter – May 2022

The second issue of our newsletter has been released on May 2, 2022. Among the main highlights: the results of the first Transnational Access call,...

1st Co-UDlabs Newsletter – November 2021

The first issue of our newsletter has been released on November 2, 2021. Among the main highlights: the launch of the project, the first Transnational...