In support of its research activities and the establishment of a pan-European Network for Urban Drainage Innovation, Co-UDlabs is organising a series of training activities and initiatives throughout its implementation over the next four years. Our project's training strategy is based on three main pillars: webinars, trainings for early-stage researchers and trainings for industry professionals. Check below the list of upcoming and past training events!
Some of the online events and presentations are available on our YouTube channel.
For any additional information regarding our training activities, please contact us.

26th European Junior Scientists Workshop (EJSW) – Call for abstracts
The workshop is organised in by INSA Lyon and Deltares in May 2022 as part of the Co-UDlabs training activities.

Co-UDlabs webinar on Routine Uncertainty Assessment
Uncertainty Assessment should be significantly developed and systematically applied in urban drainage monitoring as a standard part of best practice metrology. However, methods and calculations may frequently appear as too complex for many users.The Urban Drainage Metrology Toolbox (UDMT) developed by Co-UDlabs partners provides a free online webapp to make these calculations easy! We are…

Co-UDlabs webinar on Acoustic monitoring of suspended solids in natural and engineered systems
Eawag, a partner in the Co-UDlabs INFRAIA project, will hold — on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, from 13:00 -16:30 CEST — a webinar on the principles and applications of acoustic backscattering to monitor suspended solids in natural and engineered systems. Background: Water quality is becoming increasingly important in natural and sewer environments due to sediment-related…