Launch a new Transnational Access Project to test a new type of manhole
Until the end of January IKT will finalise the fourth Transnational Access Project in cooperation with Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) on the hydraulic performance of a novel manhole. This manhole was designed with a new geometry for use in narrow streets, particularly in hilly regions, in terms of a cost-effective and space-efficient solution for separate urban sewer networks.
The new manhole consists of an inner shaft, through which the wastewater is channeled, and an outer section that carries the stormwater. It addresses the challenges of disruptions to city streets and flooding events in downstream networks by mitigating the flow energy inside the storm chamber and enabling separate sewer pipes to be accommodated in one trench.
The new shape of the manhole generates a new flow pattern for stormwater, which needs to be understood. The structural and hydraulic properties of a physical scale model of the new design have been assessed at a lab at LJMU. Full-scale tests are now being conducted at IKT to validate the observations of hydraulic behavior of the manhole.