Success stories

Below is a selection of the most promising projects that have been carried out during the transnational access (TA) at Co-UDlabs Research Facilities, and the most valuable collaborations that resulted from internal joint research activities (JRA) among project partners.


Transnational Access Project: Annular Flume studies to test the effect on antibiotic resistant genes and use of CRISPR-Cas in E. coli from sediments affected by sewage pollution

Institutions involved University of Sheffield (SFD), United Kingdom  Universitat Politècnica of Catalunya, Spain  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, Spain  Duration 14/03/2023-19/06/2023    About the project The annular flume facility at the University...

Transnational Access Project: Temperature time series analysis for predicting sedimentation in sewer systems 

Institutions involved Universidade da Coruña (UDC), Spain  Deltares, The Netherlands  University of Sheffield (SFD), United Kingdom  Lulea Technical University, Sweden  TU Delft, The Netherlands  Water Board De Dommel, The Netherlands ...
AIR_test inspection technique Xylem_2

Transnational Access Project: Assessment of Inspection tools for Rising mains (AIR)

Institutions involved IKT, Germany  Stichting RIONED, The Netherlands  Acquaint, The Netherlands  ROSEN group, Switzerland  Xylem, France  Pipebots, United Kingdom  University of Bristol, United Kingdom  University of Sheffield, United Kingdom  STOWA...

Joint Research Activity & Transnational Access Project: Improving understanding of sewer pollution by hyperspectral imaging

Institutions involved EAWAG, Switzerland  INSA Lyon (INSA), France  Deltares, The Netherlands  Universidade da Coruña (UDC), Spain  University of Sheffield (SFD), United Kingdom  Czech Technical University, Czech Republic  Geoconcept, France  Photrack,...
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Joint Research Activity: Advanced methods for the characterisation and monitoring of sediments in gully pots   

Partners involved Deltares, The Netherlands  Universidade da Coruña (UDC), Spain  About the project This project was part of the Co-UDlabs Joint Research Activities based at Deltares, with the collaboration of...
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Transnational Access Project: Evaluation of new flow and quality monitoring devices for sewers  

Hosting facility BENS FLUME (UDC)   Partners involved Universidade da Coruña (UDC), Spain  Ubertone, France  Photrack, Switzerland  Technical University of Cartagena, Spain Duration  17/04/2023 – 20/09/2023    About the project The BENS...

Joint Research Activity: The Urban Drainage Metrology Toolbox (UDMT)

Partners involved INSA Lyon, France Deltares, The Netherlands About the project As part of the Co-UDlabs Joint Research Activities on “Smart sensing and monitoring in urban drainage”, a user tool...

Joint Research Activity: Hydrodynamic design of stormwater retention ponds

Partners involved Aalborg Universitet (AaU), Denmark Universidade da Coruña (UDC), Spain INSA Lyon (INSA), France About the project The retention pond of Aalborg is a pilot facility monitored by AAU...