Co-UDlabs 1st Early-Stage Researchers Seminar and General Assembly
Co-UDlabs is going to host its first consortium-wide event in A Coruña: one year into the project, all partners will finally meet in person at the UDC School of Engineering for Co-UDlabs’ 1st Early-Stage Researchers Seminar and the Co-UDlabs General Assembly, from June 27 to July 1, 2022.
The Seminar will be an opportunity for PhD students and junior researchers from all partner institutions to meet, share ideas, and work together on common research lines and prospects, through a series of smaller dedicated sessions. The hydraulics laboratory at UDC’s CITEEC will also host a few training and practical joint activities.
Taking advantage of convening all project partners in A Coruña, Co-UDlabs will also set up its first General Assembly, a new opportunity for all partners to meet since the project’s kick-off meeting, and the first time they will be able to do so in person, as various restrictions on travel are being lifted, almost two years removed from the original submission of the Co-UDlabs proposal to the European Commission.
A tentative agenda of the Seminar will be available online soon on our website.