Co-UDlabs at the 1st Symposium on Urban Flood Experiments
A delegation of Co-UDlabs partners and researchers was invited to the 1st Symposium on Urban Flood Experiments, an expert-group event hosted by INSA Lyon on September 1 and 2, 2022. The symposium was coordinated by Emmanuel Mignot (INSA-LMFA) and Benjamin Dewals (University of Liége), and included invitees from several research institutions across seven European countries.
The discussion covered different experimental models at district/block level, at crossroad/street level, and at the sub-street level. The presentations included reduced, large, and full-scale models, as well as a couple of contributions on human interaction and VR tools.

The Symposium also included a visit to the INRAE facilities, including the MURI urban platform. The community of researchers and academics engaged in the Symposium will keep working for more opportunities for mutual learning. Experimental studies and modelling are increasingly relevant as innovative technologies, methods, and data grow into a fundamental piece of urban drainage and sustainable water management studies and policies.