Co-UDlabs presentation at the Final event of the LIFE DrainRain project
On Thursday 20 October, Co-UDlabs was invited to participate in the Final event of the EU-funded LIFE DrainRain project. Read more about it below!
The LIFE DrainRain project, co-financed by the European Commission within the main environmental program at the European level, the LIFE Program, has as its main objective to develop and validate a new water treatment system that, thanks to the joint action of a photocatalytic porous concrete pavement and a modular in situ water treatment system, Remove contaminants transported through runoff water.
The LIFE DrainRain consortium is made up of five national entities from the public sector (Port Authority Ferrol – San Cibrao) and private (PROYFE, CYE Control and Studies, CETIM, and COPASA).
Within the framework of this project, on Thursday 20 October, Co-UDlabs was presented by the Coordinator at the final event of the LIFE DrainRain project on “Sustainability and Environment in Water Treatment“, at the CIS Tecnoloxía e Deseño, A Cabana, Ferrol (A Coruña).
The aim was to show how a cooperative network of interlinked research infrastructures can promote innovation and emerging ideas and teams!
To find out more about the detailed agenda, click here!