Co-UDlabs at Aqua Urbanica
Co-UDlabs, especially our partner EAWAG, participated in the 2022 edition of Aqua Urbanica entitled “Green instead of grey” – “Grün statt Grau” from 13 to 15 November in Riverside, Glattfelden (Switzerland).
With the participation of 140 participants, the Co-UDlabs participated in the Aqua Urbanica conference from 13 to 15 November in Riverside, Glattfelden (Switzerland).
About the event
The 2022 edition of Aqua Urbanica is entitled “Green instead of grey” and is aimed at planning future urban drainage together with blue-green infrastructures.
“Sponge City”, “Green Infrastructure”, “WSUD”, “LIDs”, etc. There are many terms for the same concept: to make the water balance in the city more natural. But these concepts are also important for reducing urban heat islands. However, we often do not know how best to integrate them into existing plans. At Aqua Urbanica 2022, participants, therefore, to focus on discussing how future urban drainage can be designed and implemented.
Download the program here and the Conference proceedings in open access here.
Our participation
For the second time, the Co-UDlabs project was happy to participate in this conference. Moreover, our partner EAWAG presented a poster in German about the project entitled “Die EAWAG baut mit namhaften wasserforschungs einrichtungen und netzwerk-organisationen einen europäischen forschungs- und innovationsverbund” by Jörg Rieckermann.

Download the poster presentation here (German version).