Co-UDlabs holds successful Hackathon on the way to its 2nd TA call
Co-UDlabs celebrated its 2nd Hackathon event on September 6, 2023, one key step in the preparation of Co-UDlabs’ Transnational Access call, which will close on October 6, 2023.
The online event had very good attendance and provided researchers and teams from all over the world with an opportunity to present, discuss, and improve their early proposals for TA experiments and projects. Presentations from Belgium, Canada, Estonia, Germany, Serbia, and Sweden showed that Co-UDlabs is expanding its audience and a larger community is increasingly counting on the opportunity to perform research in large-scale installations, free of charge, across Europe.

All participants in the Hackathon have been invited to get in contact with the managers of the facilities of their choice to discuss the details of their presentation and receive support in the consolidation of their applications. Following debate and recommendations, one presentation in particular, Advancing Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Visible Light-Driven TiO2-based CNTs for Enhanced Degradation of Micropollutants in Rainwater Runoff, led by a team from Darmstadt Technical University, was selected by all attendees for an early visit at the STREET facility at UDC. This ‘award’ will let them know the facility in person and adapt their proposal even better to the specificities and the possibilities offered by the installation.
All information on the TA call is available online on our website. You can contact all facility providers via this simple online form.
The call is open until October 13, 2023. All documents about the call are online, and all templates required for the applications are available too.
All interested researchers, academics, small and medium enterprises, industry and local governments representatives are warmly invited to consider applying for a TA slot at one of our 17 installations!