Green Week Open Days welcome over 60 visitors at Co-UDlabs facilities

At the end of June 2024, the European Union has supported hundreds of initiatives across the continent to give visibility and centrality to green transitions, infrastructure, and community activities in the framework of its yearly Green Week. Co-UDlabs has participated in the campaign with two events at the University of A Coruña: an Open Days…

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5th Co-UDlabs Newsletter – June 2024!

The fifth issue of our newsletter has been released on June 18, 2024. Among the main highlights: results of the 2nd and 3rd Transnational Access calls, a save the date for the participation in the EU Green Week 2024 and for the upcoming training events, the launch of the new UDRAIN Working Group and much…

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Co-UDlabs at ICUD 2024: activites, sessions, and a new Working Group

Co-UDlabs will be at the 2024 International Conference on Urban Drainage (Delft, the Netherlands, June 9-14, 2024) with an intense programme of project activities and various presentations and posters from our research staff! Launch session of JCUD’s UDRAIN Working Group Last month, the new Working Group on Large Research Infrastructure in Urban Drainage (UDRAIN) was…

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Unveiling the Flow: A Co-UDLabs survey on monitoring combined sewer overflows (CSOs)

A survey on the current state of CSO monitoring and performance assessment in Europe  The goal of this survey is to understand what CSO* performance data (e.g. spill frequencies and duration) are available at utilities for which purpose they are being used and what the motivation of different stakeholders is to publish performance indicators on…

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