Posts Tagged ‘urban drainage’
Transnational Access Project: Annular Flume studies to test the effect on antibiotic resistant genes and use of CRISPR-Cas in E. coli from sediments affected by sewage pollution
The goal of this project, developed by 3 Co-UDlabs partners as part of the Joint Research Activities, was to develop the understanding of hydrodynamics for improving the treatment of runoff water.
Read MoreTransnational Access Project: Temperature time series analysis for predicting sedimentation in sewer systems
The goal of this project, developed by 3 Co-UDlabs partners as part of the Joint Research Activities, was to develop the understanding of hydrodynamics for improving the treatment of runoff water.
Read MoreTransnational Access Project: Assessment of Inspection tools for Rising mains (AIR)
The goal of this project, developed by 3 Co-UDlabs partners as part of the Joint Research Activities, was to develop the understanding of hydrodynamics for improving the treatment of runoff water.
Read MoreJoint Research Activity & Transnational Access Project: Improving understanding of sewer pollution by hyperspectral imaging
The goal of this project, developed by 3 Co-UDlabs partners as part of the Joint Research Activities, was to develop the understanding of hydrodynamics for improving the treatment of runoff water.
Read MoreLaunch a new Transnational Access Project to test a new type of manhole
Until the end of January IKT will finalise the fourth Transnational Access Project in cooperation with Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) on the hydraulic performance of a novel manhole. This manhole was designed with a new geometry for use in narrow streets, particularly in hilly regions, in terms of a cost-effective and space-efficient solution for…
Read MoreCoventry and Oviedo TA at UDC on thermal properties of sub-base materials
For the next few weeks, our partners at the Universidade da Coruña (UDC) will be hosting their seventh and last Transnational Access. After three years in which the facilities at UDC’s Research & Innovation Centre on Civil Engineering and Building (CITEEC) laboratories have been open and available for junior researchers and senior academics to visit,…
Read MoreJoint Research Activity: Advanced methods for the characterisation and monitoring of sediments in gully pots
The goal of this project, developed by 3 Co-UDlabs partners as part of the Joint Research Activities, was to develop the understanding of hydrodynamics for improving the treatment of runoff water.
Read MoreSAVE THE DATE: Co-UDlabs 2025 Final InfoDay on March 18, 2025!
The goal of this project, developed by 3 Co-UDlabs partners as part of the Joint Research Activities, was to develop the understanding of hydrodynamics for improving the treatment of runoff water.
Read MoreTransnational Access Project: Evaluation of new flow and quality monitoring devices for sewers
The goal of this project, developed by 3 Co-UDlabs partners as part of the Joint Research Activities, was to develop the understanding of hydrodynamics for improving the treatment of runoff water.
Read MoreCo-UDlabs partners met for the final General Assembly of the project!
The goal of this project, developed by 3 Co-UDlabs partners as part of the Joint Research Activities, was to develop the understanding of hydrodynamics for improving the treatment of runoff water.
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