Posts Tagged ‘urban drainage’
Joint Research Activity: The Urban Drainage Metrology Toolbox (UDMT)
The goal of this project, developed by 3 Co-UDlabs partners as part of the Joint Research Activities, was to develop the understanding of hydrodynamics for improving the treatment of runoff water.
Read MoreJoint Research Activity: Hydrodynamic design of stormwater retention ponds
The goal of this project, developed by 3 Co-UDlabs partners as part of the Joint Research Activities, was to develop the understanding of hydrodynamics for improving the treatment of runoff water.
Read MoreUDC at work with KIT and ICL team on litter transport in urban drainage
Over the next few weeks, our partners at Universidade da Coruña and CITEEC will finalise their fourth Transnational Access — a research proposal from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), in collaboration with Imperial College London, on Inception of Transport of Litter Under Pluvial Conditions. Urban environments are hotspots for plastic litter, yet we still…
Read MoreLaunch of the Transnational Access Project “Standard for stormwater management in Sweden”
IKT, RISE and Luleå University of Technology launch cooperation within Co-UDlabs Water pollution caused by stormwater discharges from separated sewer systems is currently subject of intense debate, particularly concerning pollutants that are washed off from paved surfaces via stormwater. Decentralized stormwater treatment facilities can mitigate this challenge, as they are designed to retain and treat…
Read MoreLaunch of the INDOOR-GRASP Transnational Access at INSA Lyon
On September 16-17, 2024, a user’s group participated in the installation of a green roof at INSA Lyon. During the first day, Co-UDlabs partners gave an initial presentation and demonstration of the models and software tools developed at INSA Lyon to simulate green roofs: URBIS (publicly available at, and GEPETO (will be publicly available…
Read MoreCo-UDlabs at G-Night 2024
Last Friday, 27th of September, Europe celebrated the Researchers Night. The Co-UDlabs Project took part in this open science initiative to bring scientific findings to the general public. Researchers from the project participated with the event “G-Night. Noite Europea das persoas investigadoras de Galicia”, which was coordinated by the University of Vigo and in which…
Read MoreEUROSAM 2024: 9th EUROpean – Sewer Asset Management network workshop
Co-UDlabs supported the 9th EURO-SAM workshop, held at the University of Sheffield on 17th and 18th September 2024. This workshop is organised by the UDAM working group of the IWA Joint Committee on Urban Drainage and is open to any researcher from any background to present and discuss research around sewer asset management. Core topics…
Read MoreUDC begins TA with RWTH Aachen on permeable pavements
On September 16, 2024, our partners at Universidade da Coruña and CITEEC have began work on their second-to-last Transnational Access, remarkably the sixth such project to be hosted at their research infrastructure! Reginald Alvarado Vicencio, a doctoral researcher at RWTH Aachen University, will stay in Coruña until mid-November for an experimental campaign on the “Hydraulic…
Read MoreUDC concludes STREET TA with Darmstadt team
On Friday, September 13, 2024, Co-UDlabs concluded the first Transnational Access campaign from its 2nd TA call. Amir Asadi, a PhD researcher from the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), pulled for the last time the lever of CITEEC’s rain simulator at the STREET facility. After over three months of tests, in which the facility has…
Read MoreApplied Course on Urban Drainage Metrology
The Applied Course on Urban Drainage Metrology was held at Universidade da Coruña and CITEEC – Research & Innovation Centre on Civil Engineering and Building from 16th to 19th July 2024 in the framework of the EU’s Green Week 2024. With 21 attendees registered for the four-day course, Co-UDlabs provided a mixed approach to urban drainage…
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