The Co-UDlabs TA Calls are now closed and the last selected user groups will access our facilities in the next weeks!
Through the 3 TA calls combined, Co-UDlabs has involved 227 user-group members from 26 countries (11 non-EU), led by user-group leaders from 16 countries (5 non-EU).
👈 Ultimately, 54 users are women (23.8%), 67 are from non-EU countries (29.5%), and 75 are from non-academic institutions (33%). Throughout the three years of activity of its TA programme, Co-UDlabs has accepted 31 proposals, two more than the minimum requirement introduced in the project’s Grant Agreement.
If you want to stay updated on all Co-UDlabs activities, including any news about the TA programme, please consider filling in this form and joining our stakeholder database!
Need any additional information? 👉 Contact us at contact@co-udlabs.eu!
Discover the first Co-UDlabs Report on Transnational Access provisions detailing the 13 selected projects for the 1st TA Call in 2023!
A Final report on TA provision, with a description of the granted project, a summary of the main results, and the statistics of the entire TA period will be available in April 2025.
Selected projects - 1st Transnational Access Call (2023)

Facility: A/B FLUME, University of Sheffield (UK)
Project: Pollutant Transport in Urban Floodwaters. Group leader institution: Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Laboratory (LMFA-INSA), France

Facility: ANNULAR, University of Sheffield (UK)
Project #1: Temperature time series analysis for predicting sedimentation in sewer systems. Group leader institution: Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Project #2: Annular Flume studies to test the effect on Antibiotic Resistant Genes and Use of CRISPR-Cas in E. coli from sediments affected by sewage pollution. Group leader institution: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

Facility: BENS, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)
Project: Evaluation of new flow and quality monitoring devices for sewers. Group leader institution: Photrack, Switzerland

Facility: BLOCK, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)
Project: Methodology to determine the potential resuspension load of heavy metals from road sediments associated with surface runoff. Group leader institution: Francisco José de Caldas University, Colombia

Facility: BURIED, University of Sheffield (UK)
Project: Hydraulic Analyses of the Toronto Exfiltration System (TES). Group leader institution: Ryerson University, Canada

Facility: HALL, EAWAG (Switzerland)
Project #1: Non-contact assessment of TSS and COD concentrations in wastewater with hyperspectral imaging. Group leader institution: Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Project #2: Characterization of thermal properties in drainage systems with temperature probes. Group leader institution: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Facility: IKT-LTF, IKT (Germany)
Project #1: Assessment of Inspection tools for Rising Mains (AIR). Group leader institution: Stichting RIONED, The Netherlands
Project #2: Investigation of the rehabilitated waste water pressure pipes in response to pressure surges in operation. Group leader institution: VLARIO, Belgium

Facility: OTHU, INSA Lyon (France)
Project: In-situ SUDS modelling. Group leader institution: Institut für technisch-wissenschaftliche Hydrologie, Germany

Facility: STREET, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)
Project: Urban Flooding: Houses as reservoir (UF-HOUR). Group leader institution: Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

Facility: Urban Water Observatory (UWO), EAWAG (Switzerland)
Project: A Probabilistic Machine Learning-based Framework to Improve Urban Drainage Modeling Reliability. Group leader institution: Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Selected projects - 2nd and 3rd Transnational Access Calls (2024)

Facility: A/B FLUME, University of Sheffield (UK)
Project: Understanding the transport and fate of ejected sewer sediments during urban flood events. Group leader institution: University of Aveiro, Portugal

Facility: BURIED, University of Sheffield (UK)
Project: Stormwater Conveyance System Performance Enhancement with Passive Control of Flow (SPEC-FLOW). Group leader institution: Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

Facility: BLOCK, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)
Project #1: Inception of Transport of Litter Under Pluvial Conditions (IT-LUP). Group leader institution: Karlsruher Institute for Technology (KIT), Germany
Project #2: Soil moisture supply and green roof plant requirements incorporating drainage and energy functions. Group leader institution: University of Coventry, UK

Facility: B-LOOP, Deltares (The Netherlands)
Project #1: Dynamic Behaviour of Air Pockets in Urban Drainage Systems (DAirUDS). Group leader institution: University of Leeds, UK
Project #2: Advancing Urban Drainage: Testing Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for Efficient
Wastewater Transportation. Group leader institution: Silixa Ltd., UK

Facility: FREJLEV, Aalborg University (Denmark)
Project: Air-water stratified flow in a poorly ventilated sewer main. Group leader institution: Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

Facility: GROOF, INSA Lyon (France)
Project: Intercomparison of the hydrological Response of Green Roofs Across Scales, sites and
experimental setups (INDOOR-GRASP). Group leader institution: HSWT, Germany

Facility: IKT-TEST, IKT (Germany)
Project #1: A novel manhole design improving the hydraulic performance of separate sewer systems. Group leader institution: Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Project #2: Standard development for stormwater management in Sweden. Group leader institution: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden

Facility: OTHU-DRB, INSA Lyon (France)
Project: NOSRAI'Level - Monitoring Tool for Smart Sewage Systems. Group leader institution: IJINUS, Italy

Facility: OTHU-SuDS, INSA Lyon (France)
Project: NBS pRECision cONdition Assessment (NBS-RECON). Group leader institution: University of Belgrade Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Serbia

Facility: RTC-RIG, University of Sheffield (UK)
Project #1: Measurement Uncertainty in Real Time Control and CSO quantification. Group leader institution: Delft UT, The Netherlands
Project #2: Evaluation of uncertainties linked to different methods of CSO’s estimation. Group leader institution: ICRA, Spain

Facility: STREET, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)
Project #1: Hydraulic Characterization of Permeable Pavement Bonded With A Novel Polyurethane Binder. Group leader institution: RWTH University Aachen, Germany
Project #2: Active Building Materials: Integration of Visible Light-Driven TiO2-based Carbon Nanotubes for Enhanced Degradation of Micropollutants in Rainwater Runoff. Group leader institution: Technical University of
Darmstadt, Germany

Facility: Urban Water Observatory (UWO), EAWAG (Switzerland)
Project #1: Maximising the Benefits of Sewer Heat Recovery through Computational Optimisation and Practicality Consideration. Group leader institution: University of Exeter, UK
Project #2: STARR-ING - Spatio-temporally advanced resolution of rainfall data for ingenious urban
hydrological applications. Group leader institution: University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany
Discover our transnational access news

Launch a new Transnational Access Project to test a new type of manhole

Coventry and Oviedo TA at UDC on thermal properties of sub-base materials

UDC at work with KIT and ICL team on litter transport in urban drainage