TA Calls

Our Transnational Access (TA) calls offer free access to 17 unique ‘field scale’ urban drainage research facilities.


The Co-UDlabs TA Calls are now closed and the last selected user groups will access our facilities in the next weeks!

Through the 3 TA calls combined, Co-UDlabs has involved 227 user-group members from 26 countries (11 non-EU), led by user-group leaders from 16 countries (5 non-EU).

👈 Ultimately, 54 users are women (23.8%), 67 are from non-EU countries (29.5%), and 75 are from non-academic institutions (33%). Throughout the three years of activity of its TA programme, Co-UDlabs has accepted 31 proposals, two more than the minimum requirement introduced in the project’s Grant Agreement. 

If you want to stay updated on all Co-UDlabs activities, including any news about the TA programme, please consider filling in this form and joining our stakeholder database!

Need any additional information? 👉 Contact us at contact@co-udlabs.eu!

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