Scientific publication: European stakeholders’ visions and needs for stormwater in future urban drainage systems

Co-UDlabs project partners, GRAIE, INSA Lyon, Aalborg University, IKT, Universidade da Coruña, EAWAG, Deltares and University of Sheffield have published a paper in the Urban Water Journal. This paper is available in open access. Abstract Transitioning urban drainage systems to serve water-smart societies requires the involvement of different disciplines and stakeholders. However, stakeholders have different visions…

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Launch of the 2nd Co-UDlabs transnational access call!

🌍 Our 2023 transnational access call is officially open! We are offering free-of-charge access to 16 of our installations and facilities for research stays of up to three months for diverse and inter-disciplinary user groups. The goal is to pool together the added value of our research infrastructures and achieve innovative and path-breaking results in…

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Save the date: Co-UDlabs Hackathon 2023

Co-UDlabs set up a series of initiatives that are leading up to the second global call for Transnational Access (TA) to the 17 installations and facilities that compose the project’s Research Infrastructure. After an Introductory Webinar (June 20) and a workshop to launch the TA call (July 3), our consortium is organising a Co-UDlabs Hackathon…

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Co-UDlabs webinar on Routine Uncertainty Assessment

Uncertainty Assessment should be significantly developed and systematically applied in urban drainage monitoring as a standard part of best practice metrology. However, methods and calculations may frequently appear as too complex for many users.The Urban Drainage Metrology Toolbox (UDMT) developed by Co-UDlabs partners provides a free online webapp to make these calculations easy! We are…

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Co-UDlabs workshop at Novatech 2023

The Co-UDlabs consortium is organising a workshop on July 3, 2023 in Lyon (France) to launch its second global call for Transnational Access (TA). The workshop aims to be a venue for the exchange of ideas and the development of valuable, innovative ideas and approaches that could become the next TA projects to be run…

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Co-UDlabs webinar on Acoustic monitoring of suspended solids in natural and engineered systems

Eawag, a partner in the Co-UDlabs INFRAIA project, will hold — on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, from 13:00 -16:30 CEST — a webinar on the principles and applications of acoustic backscattering to monitor suspended solids in natural and engineered systems.  Background: Water quality is becoming increasingly important in natural and sewer environments due to sediment-related…

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Co-UDlabs promoted by the IWA/IAHR Joint Committee on Urban Drainage (JCUD)

JCUD 2023 Newsletter

Once per year, the Joint Committee on Urban Drainage (JCUD) publishes a newsletter to inform the community about recent and upcoming activities, events, conferences, and publications related to urban drainage. The 2023 JCUD Newsletter, which has just been released, highlights the Co-UDlabs project and its activities, including our workshop on the Urban Drainage Metrology toolbox…

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3rd Co-UDlabs Newsletter – March 2023!

The third issue of our newsletter has been released on March 9, 2023. Among the main highlights: information on the first Transnational Access projects, a save the date for the 2nd TA call, the release of a free UDMT Matlab webapp, the presentation of the motion video created to present the project and much more!…

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Co-UDlabs at the 8th edition of EURO-SAM workshop in Luleå, Sweden

Many structural infrastructures in Europe have now reached an age that entails a considerable need for rehabilitation and renewal. Sewers and drains are of particular importance in this context, as they account for the largest share of underground infrastructure assets in the European Union (EU-28), with a replacement value of €2.5 trillion, according to a…

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The first 18 months of Co-UDlabs: successful review for the project

Reporting is an essential activity in Horizon 2020 project management, as every project coordinator needs not only to maintain control and steer project progress, but also regularly inform the European Commission about progression of the work towards its agreed objectives. In December 2022, after one and a half year of collaborative work, the Co-UDlabs team…

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