Co-UDlabs at ICUD 2024: activites, sessions, and a new Working Group

Co-UDlabs will be at the 2024 International Conference on Urban Drainage (Delft, the Netherlands, June 9-14, 2024) with an intense programme of project activities and various presentations and posters from our research staff! Launch session of JCUD’s UDRAIN Working Group Last month, the new Working Group on Large Research Infrastructure in Urban Drainage (UDRAIN) was…

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Launch of the UDRAIN Working Group on Large Research Infrastructures in UD

For the past few months, a group of researchers and practitioners of urban drainage and sustainability has worked on the establishment of new JCUD Working Group on Large Research Infrastructure in Urban Drainage (UDRAIN), following in particular the successful collaborative work of our nine partners and 17 research facilities. We are glad to announce that…

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Co-UDlabs successfully closes its TA calls with over 30 funded projects

Besides its research, community-building, and training activities, one of the core missions of the Co-UDlabs project, an EU-funded INFRAIA framework for large research infrastructures collaboration across Europe, was that of providing free-of-charge access to 17 high-level research facilities in 7 European countries to as many researchers, practitioners, and experts as possible. After the end of…

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