UDC finalises transnational access at the Bens wastewater plant

On September 19, 2023, our partners at the Universidade da Coruña hosted the final meeting of their Transnational Access (TA) at the Bens facility, the wastewater treatment plant of the A Coruña metropolitan area. They were joined by representatives of all the partnering institutions of the TA’s user-group, including two European SMEs in Photrack AG…

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UDC and UDFJC finalise their TA at the BLOCK facility

On April 25, 2023, Co-UDlabs partners at the University of A Coruña (UDC, Spain) finalised the second Transnational Access at their installations. Visiting researchers from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Bogotá, Colombia) worked for over three months — from mid-January to the end of April 2023 — at the BLOCK facility at UDC’s…

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