Green Week Open Days welcome over 60 visitors at Co-UDlabs facilities

At the end of June 2024, the European Union has supported hundreds of initiatives across the continent to give visibility and centrality to green transitions, infrastructure, and community activities in the framework of its yearly Green Week. Co-UDlabs has participated in the campaign with two events at the University of A Coruña: an Open Days…

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Co-UDlabs at ICUD 2024: activites, sessions, and a new Working Group

Co-UDlabs will be at the 2024 International Conference on Urban Drainage (Delft, the Netherlands, June 9-14, 2024) with an intense programme of project activities and various presentations and posters from our research staff! Launch session of JCUD’s UDRAIN Working Group Last month, the new Working Group on Large Research Infrastructure in Urban Drainage (UDRAIN) was…

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Launch of the UDRAIN Working Group on Large Research Infrastructures in UD

For the past few months, a group of researchers and practitioners of urban drainage and sustainability has worked on the establishment of new JCUD Working Group on Large Research Infrastructure in Urban Drainage (UDRAIN), following in particular the successful collaborative work of our nine partners and 17 research facilities. We are glad to announce that…

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Co-UDlabs successfully closes its TA calls with over 30 funded projects

Besides its research, community-building, and training activities, one of the core missions of the Co-UDlabs project, an EU-funded INFRAIA framework for large research infrastructures collaboration across Europe, was that of providing free-of-charge access to 17 high-level research facilities in 7 European countries to as many researchers, practitioners, and experts as possible. After the end of…

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UDC and UDFJC finalise their TA at the BLOCK facility

On April 25, 2023, Co-UDlabs partners at the University of A Coruña (UDC, Spain) finalised the second Transnational Access at their installations. Visiting researchers from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Bogotá, Colombia) worked for over three months — from mid-January to the end of April 2023 — at the BLOCK facility at UDC’s…

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The first 18 months of Co-UDlabs: successful review for the project

Reporting is an essential activity in Horizon 2020 project management, as every project coordinator needs not only to maintain control and steer project progress, but also regularly inform the European Commission about progression of the work towards its agreed objectives. In December 2022, after one and a half year of collaborative work, the Co-UDlabs team…

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First A/B FLUME TA project ends at University of Sheffield

Researchers at University of Sheffield (USFD) have recently finalised supporting their first Co-UDlabs TA project. From late October 2022 to January 2023, researchers from INSA Lyon, LMFA (Lyon) and the University of Exeter visited the University of Sheffield to perform experiments at the A/B FLUME facility of our Research Infrastructure. Work has been investigating the…

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Co-UDlabs’ Transnational Access programme officially begins!

The Co-UDlabs Transnational Access programme was officially kicked off with a visit by the ITWH user-group at the OTHU facility of INSA Lyon, a partner of Co-UDlabs and part of our research infrastructure. The brief preliminary visit for the ‘In-situ SUDS modelling‘ proposal was carried out at the end of August 2022, and it is…

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Co-UDlabs’ session on UDS data at IWA’s World Water Congress

In a fully-packed room at IWA‘s World Water Congress (WWC), one of the most renowned international conferences on water and water management, Co-UDlabs hosted a really successful workshop on ‘Tapping the value of urban drainage systems (UDS) data‘. The event, which welcomed nearly 40 attendees and favoured active participation from researchers and practitioners in the…

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Co-UDlabs at the 1st Symposium on Urban Flood Experiments

A delegation of Co-UDlabs partners and researchers was invited to the 1st Symposium on Urban Flood Experiments, an expert-group event hosted by INSA Lyon on September 1 and 2, 2022. The symposium was coordinated by Emmanuel Mignot (INSA-LMFA) and Benjamin Dewals (University of Liége), and included invitees from several research institutions across seven European countries.…

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