Posts Tagged ‘urban drainage’
Co-UDlabs’ session on UDS data at IWA’s World Water Congress
In a fully-packed room at IWA‘s World Water Congress (WWC), one of the most renowned international conferences on water and water management, Co-UDlabs hosted a really successful workshop on ‘Tapping the value of urban drainage systems (UDS) data‘. The event, which welcomed nearly 40 attendees and favoured active participation from researchers and practitioners in the…
Read MoreCo-UDlabs at the 1st Symposium on Urban Flood Experiments
A delegation of Co-UDlabs partners and researchers was invited to the 1st Symposium on Urban Flood Experiments, an expert-group event hosted by INSA Lyon on September 1 and 2, 2022. The symposium was coordinated by Emmanuel Mignot (INSA-LMFA) and Benjamin Dewals (University of Liége), and included invitees from several research institutions across seven European countries.…
Read MoreCo-UDlabs’ Metrology Toolbox presented at SPN10 conference
Co-UDlabs participated in the 10th Sewer Processes and Networks international conference (SPN10) in Graz, Austria. SPN is a renowned global venue for advancement and knowledge-sharing on urban drainage and water management. Co-UDlabs coordinated a pre-conference workshop on August 23, 2022, for the first public release — specifically version 0.1.7 — of the Urban Drainage Metrology…
Read MoreCo-UDlabs celebrated its first General Assembly and Early-Stage Researchers Seminar
From June 27 to July 1, 2022, members and researchers from Co-UDlabs’ nine partner institutions met (in person and for the first time) at the University of A Coruña (UDC) to celebrate our project’s first Early-Stage Researchers Seminar (ESRS) and General Assembly. These events mark a significant milestone for Co-UDlabs. The Seminar was an excellent…
Read MoreCo-UDlabs and #GreenRoofDay!
Today, June 6, is #GreenRoofDay! An up-and-coming infrastructural solution for a more sustainable and efficient urban design model, green roofs are bound to play a pivotal role in the emergence of new understandings of urban drainage and its centrality to urban sustainability. In the framework of its Transnational Access programme, Co-UDlabs is granting free access…
Read MoreCo-UDlabs is now on YouTube!
The Co-UDlabs project has created its own YouTube channel! Joining the video platform was a milestone for our communication efforts, considering how visible and available the teaching, networking, and training materials produced by our teams and partners can now be. The channel is currently available online at this address. The channel will host a series…
Read MoreResearchers go on the Co-UDlabs Hackathon prize ‘field trip’ (with an eye on the TA)
On November 23 and 25, 2021, Co-UDlabs successfully organised a global ‘Hackathon‘ event to meet with young researchers and practitioners from a number of scientific and technology fields. The main goal was to present this audience with the core challenges that urban drainage systems are facing today: climate change, extreme weather conditions, infrastructural stress and…
Read MoreChallenges and solutions in IKT and Co-UDlabs’ UD Workshop
On November 3 and 4, 2021, Co-UDlabs and one of its partners, IKT (Institute for Underground Infrastructure), held an Online Workshop on Urban Drainage Practice and Research Needs, a two-day event to identify valuable good practices and research for the optimisation of UD assets’ performance and improve their resilience to climate change and sustainability. More…
Read MoreCo-UDlabs Training Activities schedule now ready
In support of its research activities and the establishment of a pan-European network for urban drainage innovation, Co-UDlabs is organising a series of training activities and initiatives: public and open webinars; early-stage and junior researchers training events and initiatives; and training activities aimed at professionals, practitioners, and members of the industry. The current expected plan for Co-UDlabs webinars include (at least) six events on the following…
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